The character of our company is built upon a spirit of passion, purpose, perseverance, courage, and pride. We strive for the development, improvement, and refinement of the individuality and personality of each person in the company. Embedded in our culture is the concept that service depends on the ability to build strong and caring relationships. The culture of our company is defined by these three distinct core values:

1- A Spirit of Integrity
– work hard with passion and pride; but leave your ego at the door
– strive for excellence; always desire to be the best at what you do
– energetic
– persevering
– courageous/brave
– determined
– confident
– innovative/creative
– hold others accountable

2- A Servant Heart
– follow the Golden Rule
– put others before yourself
– be kind and compassionate
– be humble and caring
– treat others with respect
– adhere to the principles of the company
– exceptional guest service
– be proactive, not reactive
– embrace the company family

3- A Positive and Outgoing Attitude
– enjoy your work
– smile
– be enthusiastic
– don’t take yourself to seriously, but take your responsibilities seriously
– maintain perspective
– celebrate success and progress
– be a passionate team member
– have fun

Our success is dependent upon collaborative effort. There is no “status” within our company, just a good work ethic irrelevant of your position. The easiest way to get in trouble is to offend another employee. We are a team, and therefore, everyone present takes the blame of any customer complaints. Employees will be recognized for displaying honesty, good deeds, and genuine caring for one another and our customers.

The culture is defined by the company’s principles, values, beliefs and expectations.
The main goal as we grow is to maintain the company culture. The culture is one of the most precious things a company has, therefore, we must strive to protect it and nourish it in order for it to grow. This requires hard work and continuous effort from all.

A family atmosphere simply means that you are sincerely interested in everyone who is part of your family and you forgive some departures from the norm because they are your family. Everyone is entitled to make some mistakes. But mistakes are part of making progress and improving.

We build our company on a culture of engagement in which the employees believe in the mission they are trying to accomplish, and know they are contributing to its success.

People who live in a culture in which virtue is expected, practiced, and rewarded are likely to want to do the right things.

To deny our need to celebrate is to deny our means to be human. Celebrating our growth, our profitability, and all personal achievements are cause for celebration. And celebrations are opportunities to strengthen relationships within the company, reminding employees that they are part of a winning team while raising their morale, job satisfaction, productivity, and level of motivation.

Critical Success Factors

1- Investing in your people. The team members are the number one asset.
The “secret ingredient” that will make us so distinctive and succeed is its ability to build and sustain high performance, authentic, pure relationships among employees, customers, suppliers, and communities.
These relationships are characterized by shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect.

2- Reliability.
Providing consistent products and services that our guests can depend on.

3- Quality People.
Attracting, developing, engaging and empowering talented, energetic, and diverse individuals who share a passion for genuine and caring service, and who exemplify our culture and core values.

4- Quality Service.
To distinguish ourselves from our competition by providing genuinely caring service to our guests and continually finding better ways to meet their needs. We dare to be different. We choose service to others over self-interest. We cultivate a spirit of giving and make it a way of life, not merely a technique.

5- Continuous improvement.

Our continuous improvement is driven by the willingness of each team member to embrace change, to pursue innovation and creativity, and to learn. (We are not perfect, but we aim towards perfection always, good enough is never good enough.)

Our individual success depends on the success of the company as a whole, that is, it is measured by consistently providing profits sufficient to support growth, job security, and greater benefit to our team members.

Keys to Success

Passion for the company brand and what it stands for
Striving for excellence
Have a sense of ownership in the company
Being friendly, kind, and caring
Making eye contact and smiling with everyone
Having an attitude of gratitude
Taking pride in your uniform, appearance, manners, and work environment
Actively and creatively seeking solutions to problems
Having a blast!

The culture is defined by the company’s principles, values, beliefs and expectations. The main goal as we grow is to maintain the company culture. The culture is one of the most precious things a company has, therefore, we must strive to protect it and nourish it as we grow. This requires hard work and continuous effort from all.

To our Team Members
Each team member will be given the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share with every employee and client. We are committed to providing our team members with a stable and safe work environment and equal opportunities for learning and personal growth.

We at Trazza are an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a progressive and diverse work force.



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For more information or to submit a resume contact us at:

Online Application